Vacuum and thermal treatment Lab
Responsabile: Dr. David Alesini
What we offer
Vacuum and treatment Lab will offer:
- Outgassing measurement bench to carachterize materials in UHV. The stainless steel vacuum chamber is 500x500x500mm and connected through vacuum valves to a measurement line of about 1500mm. It comprises a residual gas analyzer (RGA) with a spectrum of masses up to 200 u.a. and able to measure residual pressure down to 2×10-14mbar. Vacuum measurement system of extreme-ultra high vacuum and pumping system based on turbopumps and ionic pumps.
- A vacuum chamber for thermal treatment and UHV brazing for structures of large dimensions The chamber has 50cm diameters and a total length of 2 meters. The chamber will be made of special steels and external heaters. With this system will be possible to reach an internal temperature of 900° and a internal pressure of 10-7 mbar.
- The outgassing measurement bench allow the measurement of the amount and type of gas released by any kind of material when it is an UHV environment. It is also provided with injection system for precise calibration of outgassing rate and gas emitted. There i salso a bake-out system up to 250°C for thermal treatment and venting valve for dry nitrogen venting. It is also foreseen a low energy electron gun in order to characterize the stimulated gas emission produced by electrons.
- The vacuum chamber for thermal treatment does not have internal heater, therefore the operation can be done in an extremely clean environment. UHV brazing allow the soldering of different kind of metals. This kind of soldering process avoid oxidation of the material and guarantee a perfect electrical contact, avoiding the formation of cavities and dishomogeneity. It is therefore indicated to all the system that must operate in ultra high vacuum environment and/or that have to sostain very high electromagnetics fields.
Potential users
The vacuum lab is aimed to provide added value services to companies and/or research institution that need to qualify, treat or caractherize components in UHV. Companies in research, medical and aerospace sector are the natural users that can benefit of this lab.